Update on WIRC Promotion of Wood Industry Employment

The Wood Industry Resource Collaborative (WIRC) was formed late in 2020 with the goal of promoting employment opportunities in the wood manufacturing sector. CPA is among a group of twelve wood-related associations sponsoring this endeavor.

WIRC has developed a multi-faceted media campaign utilizing numerous tools, including a website and social media channels. Over 56,000,000 impressions were logged between 2021 and 2022 across multiple channels, with nearly 200,000 visits to the website. The campaign currently focuses on two categories of prospective employees: high school students and 25 to 45-year-olds searching for a new career. The campaign has been successful at reaching a good mix of females (46%) and males (54%).

Past accomplishments along with new tactics and related information dissemination are planned for 2023 as seen in a video update available on the CPA website. See Video Presentation and WIRC Website. More Info: Andy O’Hare

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