Engineered Wood Siding and Trim
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Engineered Wood Siding and Trim
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Engineered Wood Siding and Trim

Engineered Wood Siding and Trim
Engineered Wood Siding and Engineered Wood Trim (EWST) are categories of composite panels used for decorative surfacing that have been designed and manufactured to perform in interior and exterior exposure applications with the appearance of traditional wood. These advanced composites can be engineered with enhanced resistance to moisture, dimensional stability, and protection against fungal decay and termites.
The engineered properties translate into long-lasting durability, allowing for decades of service life while maintaining their attractive appearance. Todays engineered wood siding and wood trim products are highly versatile and come in many forms including sophisticated woodgrains and embossed surfaces.
Because engineered wood siding and trim are a types of composite panels made from residual wood fiber, such as chips and shavings, they are carefully value engineered for each application. This results in product solutions that are substantially less expensive than alternatives.

Product Standards, Regulations and Certification
The American National Standard for Hardboard Siding (ANSI A135.6), now referred to as the Engineered Wood Siding Standard, covers requirements and methods of testing for exterior durability, dimensions, straightness, squareness, physical properties, and surface characteristics. It also includes trade terms and methods of identifying engineered wood siding. Third-party certification to the ANSI Standards is required for many applications of siding panels. Many building code jurisdictions require the physical properties of engineered wood siding to be certified by third parties. CPA’s accredited certification program is recognized and approved by building code officials to evaluate siding products for code compliance.
The ANSI Engineered Wood Trim Standard was completed in 2012. The new standard covers requirements and testing methods for exterior durability and interior applications, including physical and mechanical properties. This consensus-based standard is sponsored by CPA.
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