ACC Releases “State of TSCA Report”

This week, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) released a report stating concerns with how the Biden Administration’s EPA is implementing changes made in 2016 to the Toxics Substances Control Act (TSCA).  The report identified six deficiencies and recommendations to remedy those.  The deficiencies include:

  • Ignoring other laws and their impacts on TSCA assessments;
  • Branding chemicals as unsafe, even when some uses have previously been authorized;
  • Incorrect assessments of the impacts of chemicals on workers;
  • Failure to use most up-to-date scientific information and supporting data;
  • Stalling new chemical reviews, inhibiting innovation; and
  • Providing insufficient clarity on how TSCA chemical review funds are spent.

CPA is a member of ACC’s Formaldehyde Panel which is committed to ensuring that the formaldehyde risk assessment currently being prepared by EPA under the authority of TSCA, is done using the best, most up-to-date scientific methods reflecting current data and research results.  See ACC.  More Info:  Andy O’Hare

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